Things from Bohemian Rhapsody That Never Happened in Real Life

3. How Bohemian Rhapsody was rejected by Ray Foster
The movie tells another interesting thing about the well-known anthem. The episode is really entertaining and curious in its own way. We see the moment when Ray Foster meets Queen. His hair is fuzzy and he is wearing sunglasses. In the movie he works as the EMI executive. His work is to listen to music and songs and decide whether it can become a popular piece or not. The role is played by Mike Meyers who really thought that “Bohemian Rhapsody” is a true masterpiece, while in the movie, being Ray, h is criticizing the song and says it will never be accepted by the public. He is sure that the band should compose another piece and call it “I’m in Love with my Car” since that would be the only sort of music their audience might like.

4. How and where John Reid was fired
The part of the movie where we see Mercury fire John Reid is tricky. The producer decided to present and interpret it all in his own way. We appreciate original people and their creative ideas, but we need to understand that feature films are full of details that have nothing to do with reality. In the movie Reid and Paul Prenter are two people who seem to have influenced Mercury’s career and his future.

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