3. Avocados for Digestive System
The latest trend in many cuisines all around the globe is to prepare various dishes with avocados. Not only is it trendy, it is delicious and healthy to eat this fruit. Dieticians recommend we should include it in our menu and enjoy this product on a regular basis. The list of benefits is endless and one of the reasons why you need this fruit is that it is high in fiber. It removes toxins from your body and provides your body cells with nutrients and healthy fats.
4. Asparagus for Hangover Cure
There is an excellent natural hangover cure. This plant has special properties that are powerful enough to stimulate the entire system to fight the toxins that you consume with alcohol. Eat asparagus before the party and afterwards – in this way you’ll achieve better results. If possible, avoid alcohol and replace it with other kinds of beverages. And, of course, eat as much asparagus as you want to.