4 Destructive Phrases That Can Ruin Relationships

3. “How can you disagree with me if you say that you love me?” That’s a very strange idea and opinion you might still believe in. It’s high time you realized that people are different and they have the right to think differently. If you disagree on something, it does not mean that you disrespect each other. Listen to your partner more attentively and try to understand why he or she thinks differently. The opposite opinion can be right. Be objective and admit that your partner’s reasoning makes sense. By no means should you degrade each other if misunderstandings arise. Calm down and take your time before you start insulting each other. Learn tolerance if you do not feel ready to end the relationship and leave each other.

4. “Passion is in the past and there is no way to revive it.” Most couples think so. They believe that passion happens only in the very beginning of the love affair. That’s not true. You can feel passion toward each other throughout years. How soon your passion fades depends on how much time, feelings and emotions you invest in your relationship. Maintain it and do not trust those who claim that passion can never be revived.

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