8 Breathtaking Natural Phenomena We All Should See at Least Once

3. Aurora Borealis
Only few of us have ever dreamed of visiting the arctic or Antarctic circles. However, these destinations are spectacular – here you can observe one of the greatest phenomena on the planet called the Northern Lights. The colors keep changing. They glow and appear in blue, red, orange and green. They are sometimes pink and even yellow. The forms of the light are quite varied too and watching them is truly amazing. To see this phenomenon, tourists should go to Finland, Russia or Scotland. In Europe they can also be seen above Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Besides Europe you can see the lights in Canada and Alaska. Aurora Borealis

4. Light Pillars
When ice crystals get suspended in the planet’s atmosphere, you can witness another unusual natural phenomenon. It is knows as light pillars. They remind of beams of light aiming at the sky. You can watch them form around sources of light like artificial lights, moonlight or the sun. The crystals have the shape of a plate. They are actually invisible. They are located between the pillars and you. The lower the ice crystals, the shorter the light pillars appear. Light Pillars

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