8 Breathtaking Natural Phenomena We All Should See at Least Once

Solar Eclipse Our planet keeps surprising us. There are so many incredible things happening around. Hurry up and see the following eight wonders:

1. Solar Eclipse
Many centuries ago people were scared of such phenomena to death. Later on astronomers and mathematician managed to figure out most of them. Nowadays we are not afraid of eclipses. Nevertheless, this phenomenon still attracts many people’s attention. There are thousands of tourists who travel from one country to another to observe a solar eclipse. The sight is truly mysterious and makes you believe that something unbelievable will definitely happen during this period. There is no mystique or enigma in solar eclipses though.

2. Frost Flowers
Low temperatures do not always destroy the surrounding. They sometimes can create something as well. Let’s take, for example, the beautiful sculptures also known as frost flowers. When the temperatures fall, the sap coming from the flowers starts expanding. This makes the stem of the plant crack. The plant leaks its liquid and the sap freezes. The more sap flows out, the thicker is the layer. You can watch new shapes form creating interesting designs and silhouettes. Do not touch the frozen flowers – they are too fragile and you can easily ruin the beauty. Frost Flowers

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