5 Things about Thanksgiving Day That Will Fascinate You

3. Almost 80 years ago Thanksgiving Day was celebrated on the third Thursday of the month. Who would have ever thought that Roosevelt, the president of the United States of America, would influence the future of the holiday! Nowadays people celebrate the day on the fourth of November, but in those times the ‘Black Friday’ shopping period lasted for longer than a week. A couple of years later this new tradition was cancelled and since 1942 Thanksgiving is celebrated on the last Thursday.

4. Did you know that the very first TV dinners were inspired by a Thanksgiving mix-up? In the early 1950’s an employee working for Swanson ordered a massive amount of Thanksgiving turkeys by mistake. He ordered 260 tons of turkey and once the order was delivered the company thought of a plan to help them get rid of the food. They filled a few thousand trays with the poultry, added peas, gravy and potatoes. The food was sold for a ridiculous amount of money – 98 cents only. It took them a year to sell the turkey.

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