7 Fantastic Changes That Daily Planking Brings

5. Planking boosts your overall metabolism
Speed up your metabolism and you’ll get in shape in a shorter period of time. Instead of starving and going on a strict diet, we recommend you should try out plank exercises. The result will be amazing – you will significantly boost your metabolic processes. Planking works in more than one way and you keep burning calories even after you finish your workout routine. Planking is advised if your life is mostly sedentary. Remember to do planks every day. You can practice it in the morning as well as after work, in the evening. Whichever time of the day you choose, your metabolic rate will always remain high.

6. Healthy for the back and harmless for the spinal column
You can decrease the risk of injury in the back if you replace some of your usual exercises with planking. Your spinal column will also be safe and secure during this activity. While planking, you put much less pressure on your hips and spine. More than that, you will strengthen your back muscles. There is nothing as good for your upper back as plank exercises.

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