6 Changes You Can Experience If You Regularly Consume Dates


Dates are healthy, but there are too few of us who eat this product on a daily basis. And here why you should include dates in your menu.

1. Charge with More Energy
Start your morning with something that includes carbohydrates. Do it in a healthy way. Instead of sugary cornflakes, cookies and white bread try and eat dates. You know how sweet they are so you can eat 3 dates per day without the risk of gaining weight. Make your breakfast nutritious and delicious at the same time. Dates are full of minerals and vitamins.

2. Greater Mental Performance
Dates can significantly improve your mental abilities. This product contains vitamin B6 – one of the elements that your brain needs to stay healthy. Dates boost up the levels of serotonin hence you instantly feel that your mood is better than usual. Norepinephrine is another factor we cannot ignore because it helps to fight tension and stress. In general, dates are what you need to be mentally strong.


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