11 Great Proofs That You Are Your Partner’s Priority

9. You are well aware of his intentions and do not doubt them
If a woman finds herself doubting her man’s intentions, she cannot boast a strong bond with him. You take part in his life but you are not used or abused. You feel like helping your partner, but, at the same time, you realize that your man highly appreciates your effort and never takes anything for granted. He is trying to do the largest part of everything and he takes full responsibility of the things.10. Your man greatly appreciates the little things you bring in the relationship
Your relationship and its success depend on many little things. You daily routine influences how strong your bond is. Pay attention to the little things and you’ll understand their importance. Your man should also appreciate the smallest details that make up your partnership. Love is not an abstract notion – it is something that both partners are strengthening on a daily basis.11. Your current state makes you feel content and happy
A sense of contentment is a wonderful feeling. Your happiness is real – your current state gives you a feeling of safety and security. Your partner provides you with all you need and you do not want to change your current situation. You genuinely experience a wide range of the most positive emotions.

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