How to safely play in the snow with young kids

The time has come to turn off the TV, bundle up and go build a snowman with your kids

Snow can be beautiful to look at, but it complicates the lives of parents who are tired of watching their kids go stir crazy inside the house.

Sure, most adults have fond memories of snowball fights and igloo-building contests, but those winter activities are less appealing when you have to worry about bundling up young children and keeping them safe.

Medical experts actually recommend playing outside all year round, so long as you’re committed to buying the right type of gear — and making sure your children keep it on — you’re in good shape.

Here’s a look at how to safely play in the snow with young kids.

Winter gear for kids

The most important step to take if you’re planning an outdoor winter playdate is buying the right gear. To stay safe and warm, kids need to wear multiple layers, as well as hats, mittens and boots.

Avoid cotton clothing and go with wool or other fabrics to trap heat in the inner layers. Waterproof pants and jackets are good for a top layer.

Once a child is bundled up, the only skin that should be visible is part of their face. To achieve this goal, it’s helpful to find clothing that overlaps, like bib overalls that can go under a winter coat.

Dress kids in gauntlet-style gloves or mittens that cinch over their jacket’s cuffs, and keep cold winds from sneaking down their necks with a gaiter.

Even after children are dressed and playing outside, a parent’s clothing-related work is not done. Experts recommend checking in with your kids regularly to make sure they’re still wearing all their accessories — hats, gloves, etc. — and staying dry.

Wet clothing puts a person at risk for hypothermia.

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