8 Steps towards an Alcohol-Free Lifestyle

If you would like to help someone quit drinking, here is a list of steps to follow. The change may take quite some patience, dedication and time. However, your efforts are worth it!

1. Open talk and discussion
Start talking about the issue. The person might have no idea about your thoughts and the only way to start solving the problem is by opening discussion. Communication is of key importance. Be brave enough to start the conversation. Prepare yourself for an unpleasant conversation since the person you’re concerned about may find it all none of your business. Stay patient and dedicated and let the person know you are ready to provide your help.

2. Causes that contributed to the habit
Your talk should be conducted in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. The person should not feel your negative feelings, emotions or thoughts. Let the person think that the problem can be solved in a variety of ways. The point is to be willing to solve it together. Do not accuse them of anything. Simply express your readiness to support the person.

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