3. Revive Your Indoor Plants
How about giving a gentle face-lift to your indoor plants? Potted plants can be easily revived and improved. If most of the species that you grow at home are with flat and large leaves, you can use the inside of the banana peel to clean the plants from dust and give them a bit of healthy shine.
4. Kill Those Ugly Warts
There is a common virus that negatively affects your skin and, as a result, your skin produces small fleshy growths that are called warts. The fact is that warts can be treated in a variety of ways and you can ask your doctor help you. However, you can try a natural method. Banana peels are rich in potassium – that’s the mineral that can kill the annoying growth on your skin. It is safe to use this method on a child’s skin too. Rub the inside of the peel against the wart for a couple of minutes. Repeat the procedure for two weeks and see the warts vanish!