6 Common Mistakes That Ruin Your Breakfast

5. Skipping Breakfast
Wake up a bit earlier every day and prepare breakfast. Have enough time to enjoy your first meal of the day. Breakfast must not be skipped since this will ruin your health. Without a good breakfast you won’t be able to feel good or be productive at work. Your training session will also be less useful. Make a glass of smoothie or, if you have some time, prepare something more substantial. Do not forget to include lean protein.

6. Eating Dessert
All the sweet stuff we love should be avoided. You can find much better alternatives for breakfast. Desserts contain loads of calories, plenty of simple sugars and even fats. After an hour or so you will feel hungry again. You will crave sugar and, as a result, you’ll get into a vicious circle. Throughout the day you will have consumed more calories than you need, feel constantly hungry and in a matter of days your scale will show that you have gained weight.

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